My synopsis for my film Life
Life. The story begins with a young boy riding his bike in a skate park and thinking about his life, his family and other things in his life. He comes to the conclusion that his real life, the one that he feels free in, is the world around him when he rides his bike not his home or his family. He then runs away and is taken in by a gang of other people with the same dream as him, who all have the same story and dream of getting signed to a sponsor and getting out of the life they are trapped in. the main character soon realises that the group he is in, are involved in drug dealing and importing to pay for the flat they all live in. He then very quickly become addicted to speed and LSD. he an his group then enter into a Bmxing competition to get signed. During this competition he gets through to the semi final, and another boy in his group is also in the final, they meet up and talk about how they both want to win, the other boy then offers the main character some speed saying “when life’s a blur you better have fast reflex’s” they smile and go through to do there sets. The main character then goes to start his run and starts to feel ill, suddenly realising that the drugs his “friend” gave him were tainted. He then goes to do his run as it is his only chance at first it seems to be going well but as he goes to do his last trick he blacks out and falls from height landing on his neck, and breaking it.