
starting filming

Filming dairy week 1

*I have started filming my trailer and so far it is going well. I have decided to film at Seven Kings Park, as it has a skate park and the right amount of ramps and jumps for the action shots. This location is also good because it means there will always be a variety of people riding bikes and skateboards around anyway; this means it will look a lot more like how I want it too setting the appropriate mood for my trailer. I have mainly been filming by attaching the camera to the front of the bike and just riding around and up and down ramps. I have watched all of this footage and so far I have a few shots I think I will be able to use but I will be getting a lot more over the coming weeks.

stills from filming

shot list
this is a section of my shot list from filming.

Shot number
Action description
Shot description
Close up of the tire of the bike

Close up, pov
Long shot of the far ramp, the ramp has people standing on top of it

Long shot, pov
Slightly raises camera towards the sky so the figures are within the shot but are towards the bottom of the screen

Long shot, weather shot, pov
Hand then appears in front of camera partially blocking the camera

Extreme close up, pov
Shot of the ramp again in between the fingers of the hand

Long shot, very wide shot, pov
Hand comes back into shot briefly and then away to show the ramp long shot again

Pov, extreme close up
Face comes down upside down towards the camera and then hands are again put in front.

Extreme close up, pov
Young male figure appears coming towards the camera rising up as he comes as if he is walking on a ramp or stairs

Medium close up, pov
After this the boy is still standing there although he is slightly covered by the hand this time holding tape.

Close up, pov
The boy is then seen running back down the ramp and out of the shot, this leads to the ramp to be back in the shot

Long shot, pov
The boy is then back in the shot running towards and then past the ramp in the

Long shot, pov
The hands then reappear with the tape again for a couple of second holding it quite close to the camera

Close up, pov
Reverts back to a long shot of the ramp

Long shot, pov
And then again back to the hands with the tape

Close up, pov
The camera then pans left and the back to its original position

Panning shot, pov
It ten pans left again and a boy’s head appears upside down in front of the screen. This appears for a few seconds as he appears to be attaching something and then he goes back up and out of shot.

Pans left, extreme close up, pov
Reverts back to the original shot of the ramp. Being far away.

Pans right, Long shot, pov
Returns to the shot of the hands in front of the screen.

Close up, pov
Shot pans left, there are figures in front of the camera on ramps and riding, they are not focused on in the shot.

Long shot, panning shot left, pov
The hand then reapers across the screen again. For a brief amount of time and then goes out of shot.

Extreme close up, pov
Pans back to the right. Long shot of the far ramp.

Panning shot right, extreme long shot, pov
The camera then shakes in circular movements from left to right. And then moves down at a angle and forwards.

The camera the reaches the floor and then levels out and is at ground level.

 Next the camera pans left slightly and then right again, all of this is done at some speed.

Fast panning left to right, pov
At this point the camera is quite close to the ramp and is constantly moving forwards. The camera is also leaning slightly to the left.

Medium close up, pov
The camera is then swung left really quickly and then appears to contact the ramp and flips over multiple times

Extreme close up and panning shot, pov
The camera then comes to a complete standstill facing the ground, which is the ramp. This remains perfectly still for some time and the shadow appears which blocks out the light the bike remains in the same position.

Extreme close up, pov
The camera is then pulled upright. And is facing the little boy from before the sun is also glaring towards the camera so that everything is obscured.

Medium close up, panning, pov
A hat is then placed in front of the camera so that it is partially obscured.

Pov, close up
The hat is then taken away from the camera to reveal a shot at a slight angle facing towards the ramp the camera was originally on.

Wide shot, pov
A figure then appears on screen for a couple of seconds and then the camera pans left and up into a shot of the young boy who came up to the bike originally, the sun again obscures this.

Medium close up, pov