
making my film trailer and location shots

making my film

i have decided that i want to shoot my film in two locations. the first  will be Seven Kings park, Ilford, Essex and the second in a dead end street which i wont post the name of as i don't want people going there. to film in seven kings park i have sent a email to the people that run the park, and so far they have not replied and i am not convinced they will reply at all. i have gone to the park office and asked there and they refereed me to the same people i had already emailed. Although the park keeper did say that he didn't mind if i used the park to film my trailer.the road that i am going to film on i have taken location shots for and these are below, i have asked all the residents within this area if it is OK for me too film there and explained what the film will be used for.all  of the residents there have said it is OK for me too film there.
location 1

location 2