Firstly before i talk about what i have learnt from my audience feedback i am going to talk about how i got that feed back. Firstly i decided to post a link to my film trailer facebook. I did this because facebook has a large amount of people viewing it at anytime. This meant that i could increase the amount of people that got to see my trailer and also increase the amount of feed back i could get back.
this below is a screen shot of my video being posted on facebook
As well as doing this i also decided to release a questionaire that i then gave out 15 people that viewed my trailer and saw my ancillary tasks to fill out and give back to me. This helped me to get feed back on not just my trailer but also on my ancillary tasks.
The questionaire is below
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Im going to do a brief overview of the good points about each of my tasks.
good film trailer feed back
"i liked the way the the drugs were shown within the trailer, i think this worked well throughout the trailer"
"i could'nt see anything that i thought could be improved within the trailer"
"i think i would be influeneced from this trailer to go and see the film"
"i really liked the way the story was shown within the trailer. i liked the way the drugs and memories flashed up within the trailer as well"
bad film trailer feed back
"i thought that the portrayal of the story could have been done more effectively if there were more characters shown within the trailer"
"i did'nt want to go and see the film because of this trailer"
"i did'nt think all of the story was shown effectivly throughout the trailer, although there were some parts that i liked"
"i did'nt really understand the story"
good magazine feed back
"i think the magazine is really realsitic and looks like an actually music magazine"
"i think that if i saw this magazine cover i would be invluencenced to read the magazine in the shop, and then i would probbally end up going to see it"
"i really liked the way that there was other films advertised as well"
"i thought that the image used was quite interesting as it was conventional for a magazine cover, this said i thought it worked well"
bad magazine feed back
"i did'nt think the image on the front was good enough to make me want to read the magazine or go to see the film"
"i thought the text was'nt clear enough to be a proper magazine cover"
good poster feed back
"i really like the way the poster is done in a modern way"
"it looks like a piece of art as well as being a film poster"
"i think the concept works really well"
"i think the dark colours and the way they have been made to be less subtle really makes the poster have more impact"
"i really like the picture used and the quote used"
"i the best part of the poster is the quote, because it is really smart and relateable"
" i think the poster could have worked better if their were names of the people that are in it on it as well. like the names of the actors"
" i think the poster would have been better if it have had a different picture containing more action"
The mean scores
The mean scores from my question "what would you rate this piece out of 10" was
7.4 for the poster
6.8 for the magazine
8.8 for the trailer
what i have learnt from my auidence feed back
From my auidence feed back i have learnt that some people did'nt connect with main product and ancilary tasks because their was'nt a people actually been shown within the trailer. Athough this said most people did connect with image i was trying to create. Although this said, a lot of people thought that this concept work really well. I also learnt that some people did'nt like my magazine cover because it did'nt fit in with other film magazines and the conventions they use within there products.