"how did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation"
evaluation question 3 "what have you learned from your auidence feedback"
Firstly before i talk about what i have learnt from my audience feedback i am going to talk about how i got that feed back. Firstly i decided to post a link to my film trailer facebook. I did this because facebook has a large amount of people viewing it at anytime. This meant that i could increase the amount of people that got to see my trailer and also increase the amount of feed back i could get back.
this below is a screen shot of my video being posted on facebook
As well as doing this i also decided to release a questionaire that i then gave out 15 people that viewed my trailer and saw my ancillary tasks to fill out and give back to me. This helped me to get feed back on not just my trailer but also on my ancillary tasks.
The questionaire is below
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Im going to do a brief overview of the good points about each of my tasks.
good film trailer feed back
"i liked the way the the drugs were shown within the trailer, i think this worked well throughout the trailer"
"i could'nt see anything that i thought could be improved within the trailer"
"i think i would be influeneced from this trailer to go and see the film"
"i really liked the way the story was shown within the trailer. i liked the way the drugs and memories flashed up within the trailer as well"
bad film trailer feed back
"i thought that the portrayal of the story could have been done more effectively if there were more characters shown within the trailer"
"i did'nt want to go and see the film because of this trailer"
"i did'nt think all of the story was shown effectivly throughout the trailer, although there were some parts that i liked"
"i did'nt really understand the story"
good magazine feed back
"i think the magazine is really realsitic and looks like an actually music magazine"
"i think that if i saw this magazine cover i would be invluencenced to read the magazine in the shop, and then i would probbally end up going to see it"
"i really liked the way that there was other films advertised as well"
"i thought that the image used was quite interesting as it was conventional for a magazine cover, this said i thought it worked well"
bad magazine feed back
"i did'nt think the image on the front was good enough to make me want to read the magazine or go to see the film"
"i thought the text was'nt clear enough to be a proper magazine cover"
good poster feed back
"i really like the way the poster is done in a modern way"
"it looks like a piece of art as well as being a film poster"
"i think the concept works really well"
"i think the dark colours and the way they have been made to be less subtle really makes the poster have more impact"
"i really like the picture used and the quote used"
"i the best part of the poster is the quote, because it is really smart and relateable"
" i think the poster could have worked better if their were names of the people that are in it on it as well. like the names of the actors"
" i think the poster would have been better if it have had a different picture containing more action"
The mean scores
The mean scores from my question "what would you rate this piece out of 10" was
7.4 for the poster
6.8 for the magazine
8.8 for the trailer
what i have learnt from my auidence feed back
From my auidence feed back i have learnt that some people did'nt connect with main product and ancilary tasks because their was'nt a people actually been shown within the trailer. Athough this said most people did connect with image i was trying to create. Although this said, a lot of people thought that this concept work really well. I also learnt that some people did'nt like my magazine cover because it did'nt fit in with other film magazines and the conventions they use within there products.
evaluation question 2 "how effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary tasks"
"How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary tasks" to answear this question i am going to look at my main product and ancillary tasks one at a time and then talk about how they all work together. This below is my media film poster. i have written a little bit about the poster and why i chose to use cetain themes and conventions within it. Film poster evaluation
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"How effective is the combination of your main products and ancillary tasks"
Through out all of my tasks i wanted to keep a constant set of themes and conventions i would use across all of my products. In doing this i have created strong links between each of my tasks. For example on all of my tasks i included the quote "when life is a blur, you better have fast reflex's" in doing this i created a link between all of my tasks that the viewer will be able to see. i chose to do this with this quote as it is quite emotive and meaningful, it also links to the genera of the film and to Life in general. This leads on to the title of the film which i also have shown on all of my tasks. This again is to link all of the tasks for the audience but also because it is very emotive title. This is quite important within the genera of drama and biographical as it sets up a foundation for what the rest of the film is about. Another way i effectively linked my main product and ancillary tasks would be in the way i decided to keep the characters in the film out off the products, or shown minimally. i did this because i wanted there to be an air of mystery as to who the characters were and there roles within the film. i also did this because i wanted the story to be shown more then anything else and the showing of characters could have drawn focus away from the story. Another way in which i helped make the combination of all of my products ore effective was by using a set of colours on each of the pieces. This rule is true for the poster and film trailer its self but not for the film magazine. The film magazine is different from this rule as i reasoned that a successful film magazine would have its own colour scheme and wouldn't change for the release of a film, although when doing i decided to use a fairly dark scheme on the actually picture used. When making my film poster i decided to use quite a dark pallet, i did this because the story of the film is quite dark as it is about a drug addict. I also did this within the trailer. I did this within the trailer by using a number of quite dark shots mixing in to light ones. When doing this i made sure that every so often there was a darker shot. This is another theme that helped to link my ancillary tasks and my main product.
Evaluation of my trailer
above is my evaluation on slideshare and below is my backup shown on scribd
this question was "In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products"
finished magazine
This is my finished magazine cover, since the last version i have added more text in the colours of the magazine. this makes the magazine look more professional. i also when adding the text added a line from the trailer. i think this helps to make clear links between all of my work.
Film magazine
This is my film magazine so far, i am not sure if i will add anything else to it at this point. so far i have mainly been looking at the empire magazine covering the james bond release. i think so far it is looking quite good, although i am thinking about adding things on the front telling about other films inside.
i also have changed the name from my last draft as Empire is obviously already taken, i decided to choose Action instead as it has a clear link to film.
original image
Draft for my film magazine
This is the first draft for my music magazine. i don't think this has gone very well as the cover looks very cheap and not attractive.
when i come to my second draft i think i will add some other films that will be looked at in the magazine and also use a better picture.
finished poster
this is my finished poster. since the last draft i have added:
* the certification for my film
*my production company's logo and name (jemsinc)
* and finally i added a a quote from the film to also help link the two pieces.
coming back to my poster
since i produced my last version of my poster i have added and changed some features to improve it and make it more eye catching.
The things i have changed since my last draft are the filters. i changed this so that the light makes the entire image look more light a stencil or piece of art. i also added some text at the bottom of the screen showing the date it is out, i have also added the name of my website address and the name of my publishing company.
starting my magazine cover
As an ancillary task for my media course work I am going to design a magazine front cover advertising my film.
Before i do this will look at other current film magazines to gather themes and trends that they have used to see what already works when creating film magazines.
Empire magazine 1
This front cover is good because you can see the main character of the film in a strong pose.
He is also in the middle of the page, with most of the text done around him.
The name of the magazine is also behind him, in a bold colour, and if the biggest text on the page.
It also has a clear set of colours that it is only using. (Reds, greys, blues and whites) these blues, greys and whites match the background of the picture.
The main character is also only wearing a select range of colours. (Blacks and blues).
The man i also Holding a gun, you can clearly showing his shiny watch, blood on his face and darkened areas around the eyes and has a bit of his chest showing. these are all Masculine features
Empire 2
Unlike the front cover above this one has more than one film being advertised, although there is a clear main film they are looking at. (Public enemies)
The title is again behind the main image and this time there is no blue text as on the cover again. The other text is also in red, grey, white and black.
The pose in this cover is again stern and masculine as in the one above, this roes over to all the rest of the images on the page. (Apart from the ghost buster’s image)
All the writing is around the main image and not in colours that would draw you eye away from the main image.
Empire 3
Again as is consistent with the empire magazines the title of the magazine is behind the text.
They have changed the colour scheme of the magazine to include greens and purples as they relate to the character in the main image.
There are not any other films being advertised on this page by images, although there are the small text bits in the bottom right of the page showing other films that the magazine is looking at.
The character on shot has a dramatic expression on his face, and with his body language. Again consistent with empires style.
The style of text across the middle of the page is also completely different in style to everything else on the page with text.
Empire 4
Main image on the page is of three characters all looking at the central character on the page. The middle character is staring through the sword and towards a possible target or enemy.
The title this time is in a different style to the rest of the empire magazines I have looked at.
The main text is in the middle of the page, this combined with the position of the sword draws you attention to the middle of the page.
The rest of the text is surrounding the main images on the page. There is again a consistent colour scheme in the within the whole front cover.
From these magazines I have gathered that:
*The main title is always behind the main image. This is probably because the image is more important then the text when drawing people in to buy your magazine
* They all have a consistent colour them they use throughout the entire front page. This is probably because it would be a lot less distracting then lots of random colours. This would also be good because it would link all of the magazines copies together with a colour scheme.
*They all have all of the more in-depth text and details on the side of the main image. this means that your eye is first drawn into the main image and then to the text. This works a lot better then it being the other way around.
*and finally they all have a distinct main character on the front
now i will create a mock up version of my magazine cover using what i have learnt here.
film poster
This is my poster below. when making this i decided to take new photos to work with. i did this because although the background in the last poster was what i wanted it to be like, the bike its self was not. so i went out and took a different bike and went to a new location. when choosing the new location i looked for somewhere equally grim and urban.
when doing this i didn't have to drastically change anything on photo shop although i did crop the the image so i could get a more focused view on the bike its self. i think i may edit this more later, and change the text and some of the other quality's of the poster.
draft for my poster
draft of my final poster design
i think this poster draft turned out well. mainly because i used themes from the clover feild posters and the social network posters for example using one main image and just a small amount of text, All this helped to keep it not too cluttered but still eye catching. the only problem that i encountered when making the poster was that there was a distracting piece of graffiti on the wall that was in the way of were i wanted to put the text. this was'nt that hard to over come as all i have to do was select another part of the wall, copy it and the paste it over the graffiti. but apart from this slight issue there were no other problems making the poster. The things i will try to improve on with my next poster will be getting a better image.
The first draft of my poster is below
ancillary tasks
Now i have finished my trailer i will start my ancillary tasks. These will be making a magazine cover with my film as the main feature and also producing a film poster advertising my film. First i will also look at conventions of actual magazines and posters so i can see what i want to include in my poster and magazine.
Clover field poster 1
Good points
This poster is good because it is very simple and yet you can tell that there is something huge that you should be hiding from.
The text also helps to show this very well as it fits in with the whole poster as it Is so simple. It is literally just text.
It also shows the date it is out and who it is sponsored by without ruining the simplistic theme of the poster
It is also in black and white which helps to focus on the shadow.
The picture its self is also depicting the city as small from the view point of this huge monster.
Bad points
*doesn’t have a website you can go too
*Doesn’t show if there are any famous actors in it.
Clover field poster 2
Good points
It shows the head of the statue of liberty’s head an American icon of freedom. This is good because it’s almost saying that something has destroyed the symbol of their freedom.
It isn’t too complicated like the other poster. The only text on it is the date it is out and the sponsor. Which helps to keep your focus on the main image?
There is also a building collapsing in the middle of the city and helicopter lights shining everywhere.
Bad points
You can’t really see what the film is about just from this poster. So if you just saw this poster you might not want to see the film just because of this.
Pirates of the Caribbean the curse of the black pearl
Good points
*it shows all of the main actors names on the poster which could attract people to see their favourite actor or actress in this feature.
*it gives you some characters of the films characteristics straight away. For example the women on the end has her hand brushing hair away from her chest showing more cleavage and making her look more seductive and feminine. She is also not looking at the centre of the image like the other characters; she is looking up and past, showing that she can possibly see something they can’t.
*another good point is that the image on the lower part of the image shows instantly that this is a film about pirates because it is clearly showing ships with black sails, men running onto the shore with swords and a pile of skulls. All of these images are the type of stereo typical things people think of when they think of pirates.
*it also shows the date when it begins showing. This is done well because it is at the end and is not too distracting from the main images of the poster.
Bad points
*you can’t tell a lot about the story from this picture alone, as you can only see that it is about pirates.
*doesn’t have a website you can go too to find out additional information.
The social network
Good points
Tell you a bit of the story straight away. I.E the character on the poster has made 500 million friends somehow but he has made some enemies along the way.
This film is obviously about Face book, you can tell this because you can see the tool bar on the right hand side with the same type of text and icons as on Face book. This would be easy to notice for the target audience as most will probably already have a face book account.
Makes you think about how face book was created. This could lead to you wanting to see it.
Bad points
Does not tell you when it is on.
Some people that don’t have a face book account might not understand what the film is about as they would recognise the toolbar on the right.
This film does not appeal to everyone, this poster would only appeal to those that have face book, this means it is limiting the people that it can appeal to as most of the people on face book are not young adults.
wall street
good points
You can tell the film Is going to be about wall street because it’s the name of the film, it then says money never sleeps this helps to reinforce the idea that is going to be about wall street and stock.
The older character is fading into the background black; this could be meaning he is coming to the end of his career or life. The younger character is not fading as much and you can see almost all of him. The older character also has his arm around the younger character. This could all suggest that the older character is fading out and this younger guy is going to replace him. Clearly giving you a small bit of the story, this would lead to some people being attracted to see it.
Bad points
The people that see this poster will probably not have the time to stand and analyze this poster as posters are just suppose to grab your attention and get you to go and watch the film. This could lead to them not going to go and see the film because at a glance you can’t tell a lot about it.
Doesn’t say when it starts showing at the cinemas.
Doesn’t have any colours or distinctive features that would draw your attention in to it.
My poster
From all of these I think that I will use themes from social network poster and the two clover field posters. The main theme I have seen within most of the posters is a distinct single image. I think this is because as it s a poster your probably not going to see it for a very long time so if there was too much information on it, it could be confusing and hard to take it all in. So I think when designing my poster I will take a single picture and use it on the entire poster, maybe with a small amount of text just telling you what the film is called and when it is out.
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